Conduct training Climate Change and Adaptation to Community Fishery

Conduct training Climate Change and Adaptation to Community Fishery

In 2022, ANKO has conduct building to 8 CFis (69 participants/ 12 women) for increase more capacity on climate change adaptation through this training and their understanding the world of climate change and factor has climate change and threats of climate change in CFis committee. The participants have discuses with some question:

  • What is the weather?
  • What is the Climate?
  • What is climate change?
  • What are the causes of climate change?

The participants have to answer those entire questions for each CFis and presentation before ANKO team show the lesson. On this lesson the participant know clearly of word Weather and Climate and they know Increase global warming cause by lose forest tree, increase of​greenhouse gases, human action. Those cause have to Climate change, rain not flow season, flood, drought that CFi have past experience.

Then the participants have to know the Method to adapt with climate change that focuses on the CFis. So the participants have to discuss by CFis group to find the problem that happen in CFis cause by Climate change.  On the finally the participant find the solution the deal with the entire problem that happen in CFis Committee.

One more thing the participants have to understanding with human right that they can use this right to develop CFis committee with CC, stakeholders and other NGOs that have sector to build capacity to CFi Committee. The finally of this training the Participant have understand on Climate change, adaptation with climate change through find the problem and solution and then human right. As the result the pre and post-test indicated that the participants received an average score of 39% before training and 83% after one day of training. The result shows the significant improvement of participants’ knowledge.


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