In 2022, ANKO Conduct 3 group training to 8 CFis with 120 participants to conduct community action plans by using community visioning map.
As the result, the participant state with drawing the current map for each CFi with real situation and then the CFi Committee, CC and representative of villager find the problem the happen in the CFi like that on Climate change the CFi have drought, illegal fishing, lost forest tree, not have awareness to villager on Climate change and fish law.
After we find all problems that happen in CFi the participant take it to analysis on problem tree to find root with solution and Contributors to help solve.
- Deepening part of CFi,
- Awareness raising on Climate change and illegal fishing to villager
- Protect fire forest
- Install dam to stock water
- More training to capacity building CFis Committee (Fund raising, Connectivity, Reporting…)
Then, the participants have to vote to all action plans to find the action that priority to conduct first for year one, and then the ANKO team have to analysis the stakeholder that have around CFi so we can to contact to implement action plan. The finally of this training the CFi Committee understood all the process to conduct the table of Community action plan and they know the contributor to solve with those action. In addition the CFi Committee knows the method to fund rising from pagoda, villager, charity and other to implement action plan.